
September Special:

THE 999


999: Completion and release

Your two hour session includes:

  • an oracle card reading for insights and confirmations

  • chakra balancing Reiki to open your heart and mind to surrender and receive

  • an Akashic Records guided hypnosis journey to release whatever is rising to the surface and rewrite any subconscious stories being held in the body that hold you back from living your life fully

  • a sound bowl experience to ground it all in

  • Take home a Reiki charged ‘Letting Go’ anointing oil and clear quartz crystal.

Available in person ONLY. $199 ($250 VALUE)

Reiki & Akashic Records:

Awaken: Reiki


This is for the Curious Soul who has just begun their Spiritual Awakening. This session is designed to expand your awareness, inspire your senses, and connect you to your essential nature. This session includes an oracle card reading, questions and conversation, along with chakra balancing and grounding Reiki, while listening to relaxing sound healing waves based on your chakra reading. You will take home notes I capture from your session and mint tea to help settle your energy. 60 min. $99

Optional add-ons:

  • Cup of cacao while you receive your oracle reading: $8.88.

  • 30 minute Sound bowl sound healing post-session $44.

Activate: Akashic Reiki


This is for the Awakened Soul who is ready to transmute and release the stuck and stagnant energies, so that you can feel renewed and inspired again. This session includes an oracle card reading, Reiki chakra balancing and healing within your Akashic Records, (this combination beautifully deepens and intensifies your healing session), while listening to relaxing sound healing waves based on your chakra reading. You will take home notes I capture from your session and mint tea to help settle your energy. 90 min. $122

Optional add-ons:

  • Cup of cacao while you receive your oracle reading: $8.88.

  • 30 minute Sound bowl sound healing post-session $44.


Decode: Past Life (Includes Inter-Life) Regression Hypnosis


This is for the Adventurous Soul who is ready to decode the past. Past life regression is a hypnosis technique for accessing and re-experiencing a person’s past lives or incarnations. Based on the theory that your reactions and the way you respond to problems are based on the past, past life regression is a holistic therapy that works with a person as a whole - not only the body and mind but your emotions and spirit, too. This two hour session includes an oracle card reading, Reiki chakra balancing, and the past life regression hypnosis, (including a journey to the inter-life aka “life between lives”). You will take home notes I capture from your session, a recording of your session, and mint tea to help settle your energy. 120 min. $222

Optional add-ons:

  • Cup of cacao while you receive your oracle reading: $8.88.

  • 30 minute Sound bowl sound healing post-session $44.

Total Recall: Age Regression Hypnosis


This is for the Soul whose past has some missing pieces. Maybe there’s a time period where you have no recollection and you’d like to understand what happened and why. Perhaps you’d like to revisit special memories with a loved one again. This is Age Regression hypnosis, going backwards through time in your current life, all the way back to the womb and even pre-incarnation to discover why you chose the body, the family, and more. This two hour session includes an oracle card reading, Reiki chakra balancing, and age regression hypnosis. You will take home notes I capture from your session, a recording of your session, and mint tea to help settle your energy. 120 min $222

Optional add-ons:

  • Cup of cacao while you receive your oracle reading: $8.88.

  • 30 minute Sound bowl sound healing post-session $44.

The Crystal Ball: Future Life Progression Hypnosis


This is for the inquiring Soul who would like a look at the future possible paths that lie ahead: 10 years from now, 20 years from now, and 30 years from now. Through hypnosis, we observe the highest possible outcome based on the choices the Soul is currently making. (These can always change, due to free will, of course!) Peer into the “crystal ball” to see who you’re with, what you’re doing, where you are, and how you feel! This two hour session includes an oracle card reading, Reiki chakra balancing, and future life progression hypnosis. You will take home notes I capture from your session, a recording of your session, and mint tea to help settle your energy. 120 min $222

Optional add-ons:

  • Cup of cacao while you receive your oracle reading: $8.88.

  • 30 minute Sound bowl sound healing post-session $44.

Kundalini Activation:

Kundalini Activation Hour Transmission


This divine feminine transmission involves the direct transfer of Kundalini (Shakti) energy to trigger the activation of your innate Kundalini energy. This energy is a safe gradual intelligence and will meet you where you are at in every session. This process relies on receiving an energy transmission rather than trying to initiate it yourself. All that’s necessary is for you to relax and be open to receiving the benefits of this practice. It’s a path of surrender, as opposed to the will-driven approaches, and it offers the potential for healing, heightened states of consciousness, and a deeper connection with both yourself and others.

What to expect during a KA session?

Participants lie down comfortably on a yoga mat. Background music plays while you surrender to the energy.

During the session, you may feel physical sensations and emotional release.

Possible benefits: 

Improve your intuition

Heightened creativity

Unblock stagnant energy

Enhance energy and vitality

Decreased levels of stress

Expansion of consciousness 

Feeling of oneness

Improve relationships

Increase libido

Release traumas, wounds, and past life cell memory

Feel joy, peace and gratitude

Reduced anxiety

Reduced cravings/addictions 

How to prepare:

Avoid mind altering substances 24 hours before the session.

Avoid heavy foods 2 hours before the session.

Wear comfortable clothes.

It’s a return Home to you, to your Soul, to your center, to your knowing. Are you ready for a Soul-sparking, heart-expanding, mind-blowing journey? Your session includes an oracle card reading and chakra reading, as well as notes I capture from your session. 1:1 60 min. $111

Note: This work is cumulative and with each session, you clear and expand. It meets you where you are at, always giving you what you need and are ready for!

Optional add-ons:

  • Cup of cacao while you receive your oracle reading: $8.88.

  • 30 minute Sound bowl sound healing post-session $44.

Specialty Services:

Nurture: You Can Heal Your Heart


This is for you if you are healing your heart. Maybe it’s the loss of a relationship, a loved one’s passing, or just looking to open your heart chakra even more. This session includes Tantric Rose heart-opening cacao prior to your session, an oracle card reading, heart chakra sound healing frequency, rose aromatherapy, a rose quartz crystal to assist healing in that chakra, Akashic Reiki heart chakra focused healing session, guided hypnosis journey to assist the healing process of your heart, and gentle guided movement to help ground after the session. You will get to take home another dosage of your drink, the crystal used in your session, notes I capture from your session, and the book You Can Heal Your Heart by Louise Hay. 120 min. $244

Vision Quest: Third Eye Activation


This is for you if you are seeking to expand your consciousness, strengthen your intuition, and connect to your third eye. This two hour session starts with sipping Egyptian blue lotus tea together. Blue Lotus tea has been respected as an ancestral flower known to induce deep meditative energy, enhance third eye function and motivate lucid dreaming. From there we move into an oracle reading to help understand any energy blockages, then Akashic Reiki using third eye specific crystals + gentle hypnosis journey to assist in clearing blocks to receiving, all while listening to third eye sound healing waves. You will take home another serving of blue lotus tea to enjoy at home, notes I capture from your session, and a crystal used in your session! 120 min. $244

Haus Magick


This is for you if you have moved into a new home or simply want to clear out the old energies in a powerful way. Together we will set sacred intentions for each room, while sage cleansing each space. You will get to keep the smudge stick used for the ceremony, as well as directions on how to continue to refresh and clear at new and full moons. In addition, I will gift you with a box of incense and a carefully chosen crystal to place in your home to amplify protection and peace. 60-120 min. $222

*price includes transit times, up to 30 minutes outside of 64108

Message me to consult and book.

Private Group Offerings:

The Expedition: Group Past Life Regression


Grab your spiritual besties for a time-travelin’ magical carpet ride from the comfort of your very own home, business, or even your rented airbnb, as you all receive third eye opening Blue Lotus Flower tea or a heart opening cacao ceremony, group energy balancing Reiki, a guided group past life regression, (including a journey to the inter-life), and a 30 minute sound bowl sound healing session. Past life regression is a hypnosis technique for accessing and re-experiencing a person’s past lives or incarnations. Based on the theory that your reactions and the way you respond to problems are based on the past, past life regression is a holistic therapy that works with a person as a whole - not only the body and mind but your emotions and spirit, too. Please message me to book! $200/person, 3 or more $111/person

Private Small Group Kundalini Activation


You provide the space, I’ll bring the magic.

Whether it’s a bachelorette or a birthday, gather your babes for a unique girls night IN. This offering is one part cacao ceremony, a 60 minute Kundalini Activation, and a 30 minute sound bowl sound healing session.

Please message me to book! $155/person, 3 or more $99/person

Coaching Programs:

The Moon Body Spirit Package


This is for the babe who is ready for a major metamorphosis. Join me for a six month transformative journey - from the inside out!

Each month you will receive:

  • One 60 minute Kundalini Activation

  • One 50 minute Holistic Spiritual Coaching Session

  • New Moon Oracle Reading

  • Full Moon Oracle Reading

Each week you will receive:

  • Monday check in email to uplift, inspire, and help hold you accountable — email includes an oracle card focus message for the week, weekly astrology insights, and recipe ideas for your grocery list inspo

And a one time:

  • Comprehensive health history intake

  • Goal and intention setting & vision board creation

  • Guided future self scripting

  • Suggested Morning & Evening rituals to support your transformation

Please message me to book! 6 months $999 (a $2472 value)

Paying in full holds you accountable to receiving your monthly sessions. This is Your time — honor it. You deserve it.

The Holy Shift: Spiritual Coaching Sessions


This is for the babe who needs a little help seeing things from a new perspective. Think of me as your life coach meets Reiki fairy godmother: I’ll redirect you to the magic of life and help you see things from a higher perspective. During our session together, enjoy a cup of cacao while receiving an oracle card reading. Ready for your Holy Shift? One 50 min session: $99

Monthly program options:

3 month $222

6 month $444 — includes access to one group virtual kundalini activation per month

Each month you’ll receive ~

  • One 50 minute Holistic Spiritual Coaching Session

  • Heart opening cacao

  • Oracle Card Reading

Each week you will receive:

  • Monday check in email to uplift, inspire, and help hold you accountable — email includes an oracle card focus message for the week, with weekly astrology insights


Virtual Activate (Akashic Reiki)


(Not in person) Feeling anxious/uninspired/stuck/etc.? Call me, maybe? (No, seriously!) In this session, you’ll clear the blocks to find inspiration, awareness, and joy. This zoom session takes place from the comfort of your own home and you will receive an oracle card reading, chakra balancing distance Reiki, guided healing within the dimension of your Akashic Records, and gentle guided movement to help ground after the session. Hang up feeling more connected to your own inner guidance and equipped with suggestions on maintaining the flow. Just like in-person healing sessions, the practitioner will open up to their channels and allow healing effect to flow where it is needed. Distance does not interfere with reception or potency. However, the recipient must be willing to accept the treatment or the energy will not affect them. You will receive an email follow-up with a recording of your session attached. 90 min. $122

Virtual Kundalini Activation Full Hour Transmission


(Not in person) This divine feminine transmission involves the direct transfer of Kundalini (Shakti) energy to trigger the activation of your innate Kundalini energy. This energy is a safe gradual intelligence and will meet you where you are at in every session. This process relies on receiving an energy transmission rather than trying to initiate it yourself. All that’s necessary is for you to relax and be open to receiving the benefits of this practice. It’s a path of surrender, as opposed to the will-driven approaches, and it offers the potential for healing, heightened states of consciousness, and a deeper connection with both yourself and those around you.

What to expect during a KA session?

Participants lie down comfortably on a yoga mat. Background music plays while you surrender to the energy.

During the session, you may feel physical sensations and emotional release.

Possible benefits: 

Improve your intuition

Heightened creativity

Unblock stagnant energy

Enhance energy and vitality

Decreased levels of stress

Expansion of consciousness 

Feeling of oneness

Improve relationships

Increase libido

Release traumas, wounds, and past life cell memory

Feel joy, peace and gratitude

Reduced anxiety

Reduced cravings/addictions 

How to prepare:

Avoid mind altering substances 24 hours before the session.

Avoid heavy foods 2 hours before the session.

Wear comfortable clothes.

It’s a return Home to you, to your Soul, to your center, to your knowing. Are you ready for a Soul-sparking, heart-expanding, mind-blowing journey? Your session includes an oracle card reading and chakra reading, as well as follow up email with suggestions to support your journey. 1:1 60 min. $111

Online Group Sessions Available as a weekly offering on Eventbrite Alternating Tuesdays at 7:00pm and Wednesdays at 6:30pm CST. Zoom Group 60 min. $33 (affordable and accessible option for all to allow for receiving sessions regularly)

Virtual Holy Shift: Spiritual Coaching Sessions


(Not in person) This is for the babe who needs a little help seeing things from a new perspective. Think of me as your life coach meets Reiki fairy godmother: I’ll redirect you to the magic of life and help you see things from a higher perspective. During our session together, you’ll be receiving an oracle card reading. Ready for your Holy Shift? One 50 min session: $99

Monthly program options:

3 month $222

6 month $444 — includes access to one group virtual kundalini activation per month

Each month you’ll receive ~

  • One 50 minute Holistic Spiritual Coaching Session

  • Oracle Card Reading

Each week you will receive:

  • Monday check in email to uplift, inspire, and help hold you accountable — email includes an oracle card focus message for the week, with weekly astrology insights

Virtual Decode: Past Life (Includes Inter-Life) Regression Hypnosis


(Not in person) This is for the Adventurous Soul who is ready to decode the past. Past life regression is a hypnosis technique for accessing and re-experiencing a person’s past lives or incarnations. Based on the theory that your reactions and the way you respond to problems are based on the past, past life regression is a holistic therapy that works with a person as a whole - not only the body and mind but your emotions and spirit, too. This zoom session takes place from the comfort of your own home and includes an oracle card reading, distance Reiki chakra balancing, past life regression hypnosis, (including a journey to the inter-life aka “life between lives”), as well as a follow-up email with a recording of your session. 120 min $222

Virtual Total Recall: Age Regression Hypnosis


(Not in person) This is for the Soul whose past has some missing pieces. Maybe there’s a time period where you have no recollection and you’d like to understand what happened and why. Perhaps you’d like to revisit special memories with a loved one again. This is Age Regression hypnosis, going backwards through time in your current life, all the way back to the womb and even pre-incarnation to discover why you chose the body, the family, and more. This zoom session takes place from the comfort of your own home and includes an oracle card reading, distance Reiki chakra balancing, age regression hypnosis, as well as a follow-up email with a recording of your session. 120 min $222

Virtual The Crystal Ball: Future Life Progression Hypnosis


(Not in person) This is for the inquiring Soul who would like a look at the future possible paths that lie ahead: 10 years from now, 20 years from now, and 30 years from now. Through hypnosis, we observe the highest possible outcome based on the choices the Soul is currently making. (These can always change, due to free will, of course!) Peer into the “crystal ball” to see who you’re with, what you’re doing, where you are, and how you feel! This zoom session takes place from the comfort of your own home and includes an oracle card reading, distance Reiki chakra balancing, future life progression hypnosis, as well as a follow-up email with a recording of your session. 120 min $222

Ready to the magic?

REFERRALS! Each completed referral is 20% off of a hypnosis session! One discount per session, please. Not to be combined with any other offers.

REVIEWS! Leave a google review and receive 10% off of an Activate (or Distance Holy Shift) session. Limit one per client, please. Not to be combined with any other offers.

Please Note: I have a 24 hour cancellation policy. You will be charged 50% of the session price if you cancel within 24 hours of your appointment. No call/No show will be charged 100% of the session price. You are required to pay half the service price at time of booking to minimize no shows. If the paypal system doesn’t work with you for whatever reason, please message me directly and we can use Venmo. Thank you for your love and understanding.

Give Back! 1% of every class fee will be donated to an animal loving non-profit organization.

Note: Due to the intimate nature of my home studio, I primarily work with women. I will accept appointments for men by referral basis or virtually.